Sunday, December 6, 2009

Guling-guling macam tenggiling xD

Posted by [amiza malik] On Sunday, December 06, 2009 20 comments

A man goes to his doctor and says, "I don't think my wife's hearing isn't as good as it used to be. What should I do?" The doctor replies, "Try this test to find out for sure.

When your wife is in the kitchen doing dishes, stand fifteen feet behind her and ask her a question, if she doesn't respond keep moving closer asking the question until she hears you."

The man goes home and sees his wife preparing dinner. He stands fifteen feet behind her and says, "What's for dinner, honey?" He gets no response, so he moves to ten feet behind her and asks again. Still no response, so he moves to five feet. still no answer. Finally he stands directly behind her and says, "Honey, what's for dinner?" She replies, "For the fourth time, I SAID CHICKEN!"




bagus2.. ni bru ade cite lawak..
sy nk cadangkan ade teketeki mingguan..
best tgk jaw pelik2...

tu nasib baik dpt bini yg sabar.kalau dpt bini x sabar,aku rase periuk kat dapur singgah kat kepala kot.

baik kamu buat kuiz mingguan dowh. teka silangkata. mahu contoh? sila donlod.

tak bc lagi entry ni. tp just nk ckp yang

'ayu dh mula mengganas'.

tiga entry terus!

ke empat entry?

ayu mengganas !!

saya suka ayat tersebut


saya suka initial anda xD

ceh ihsan. joke lies in the heart of the reader. boring~

ihsan~ok la tu.. starting2 xleh bg mantap2..
kene bg yg sempoi2 dlu..

ayu~keep it up..

apapun dgn aktifnya saudari ayu pasni tidak meneggelamkan kewujudan moderator lain..

ke arah kebersamaan para moderator batch..

p/s: paan & ayu je? yg lain mane?

sila bersabar semua !!

tak semestinya nama moderator lain tak keluar sebagai "posted by..", maknanya mereka tak aktif..

mereka ni lebih suka kerja belakang tabir...

apa kata 'instead of' suruh moderator je yang aktif, 'why not' semua ahli medicairo07 aktif melontarkan idea dalam bentuk artikel atau cerita atau nota2 akademik atau apa2 sahaja (selain komen dan shout box)...

ke cmne??? :)


yea.. betul tu a.i.y ..
ayuh semua kita sama2 melontar idea2 kite...
tp jgn mcm lontar batu sembunyi tangan..

bila a.i.y. dah sebut psl nota tu..

rasenye mesti ade yg buat kan? contohnye peta minda antara cytokines, kump drug yg lebih sistemik, & sbg..

jadi mane2 individu kreatif yg ade bhn2 sebegini, elok dikongsi bersama..

just idea, moga ade manfaat..

jgn ckp je nk lontar,tp bahan nk dilontar xde.

tuan2 yg smua dunia sj
marilah kita kembali kpd jln Allah dan RasulNya..

astaghfirullah 3x..
pasni post tazkirah plak...

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