Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah atas nikmat yg diberikan oleh ALLAH swt kt dapat njawab soalan oral mikrob n patho( certain orang ).
so jom kongsi soalan2 oral pato tuk sahabat2 yg belum xam pato..
semoga ALLAH menolong hambaNYA yg menolong hambaNYA.
ni soalan oral(PATO) yg fathiyyah bg kat YG...
Dear friends, just want to share the questions that i got from Dr Mohammad Isa
i was asked about
1. Types of acute inflammation and their examples
* - Suppurative acute inflammation (Localized) -> Abscess, Furuncle, carbuncle
(Diffuse) - > Acute suppurative appendicitis, cellulitis
-Non Suppurative acute inflammation
-> Pseudomembranous inflammation
->Exudative inflammation (fibrinous, serous, serofibrinous inflammation)
->Hemorrhagic inflammation
->necrotizing inflammation
->Allergic inflammation
example for pseudomembranous inflammation
- Diphteria
what's the causes of the diphteria
- C. diphteriae
What are the complications of Diphteria that will cause death
-Asphyxia : caused by edema, membrane n laryngeal spasm
- Acute toxaemia that will cause acute heart failure n toxic myocarditis
-Zenkers degeneration
Temporary paralysis of muscle of palate, pharynx larynx eye, face
example for serofibrinous inflammation
- pleural, pericardial effusion
example for fibrinous inflammation
- lobar pneumonia
what are the complications for lobar pneumonia
-failure for resolution( carnification- fibrosis -> pulmonary hypertension, chronic RHF)
-Spread (direct, blood)
-toxaemia on 9th day
-post pneumonic lung abscess n gangrene
tQ atas perkongsian...
Jeli Putih Dari Kepala
2 years ago
assalamualaikum semua
tadi dr patho tanya,
1-apa topik yang paling suka
-def: coughing of blood
-causes: general: HPL+ vit.K n C deficiency
carcinoma,bronchitis etc.
3-routes of spread malignant tumor
4-most common sites for blood spread
all the best sahabat2!
moga Allah permudahkan segalaNya.
doakan kejayaan bersama.
kidney diseases that cause kidney enlargement.
antaranya :
-acute glomerulonephritis
-acute pyelonephritis
-renal cell carcinoma
-congenital polycystic
-definition and cause
- definition
teruskan perjuangan yang masih berbaki,
sama2 tajdid niat,
moga usaha kita diterima Allah.
salam alaik..
-type (lobar, lobular, viral)
-lobar pneumonia (type of inflammation--fibrinous)
-stages (dr suh define resolution and tanya how resolution tu jadi---by draining and phagocytosis)
-tumor (benign..adenoma sbb liver kan gland--dr ckp)
-malignant tumor (enumerate--bg hepatoma, dr kate tu name lama, nk nama baru---> hepatocellular carcinoma)
-most common (metastasis)
#most soalan kalau tatau, dr bg klu2 sampai kita blh jwb, klau tak dr tlg jwbkan :)
#dr2 tu insyaAllah ok :)
#sapa cepat dia dapat, so, nak balik awal, masuklah awl2
selamat teruskan perjuangan~
doa bbyk spy dpt dr best and soalan senang~!
patho oral is about luck....
ada yg dapat senang, ada gak yg dapat susah..
tgk atas doktor lah...
dia tanya
causes of uterine bledding
etiology of cancer cervix
microscopic picture of cancer cervix
doa bnyak2 dapat dr best...
doakan perjalanan kami ke msia~
-fatma husna-
salam alayk kengkawan!
dapat satu Dr. je..
saye dapat soklan :
1-define liver cirhosis,characteristic,types..
3-then,u define everythin':
-carcinoma in-situ
*doa bebanyak..jadi ramah sket,senyum slalu..
*doakan kejayaan bersama,iA,kami musafir ni kami doakan kengkawan sume dapat yang terbaik juge^^
-'izzah faqihah-
yup...oral ni nasib..doa dpt ttg hematuria...causes
2)tya ttg nama lain bg renal carcinoma
3)wilm's tumor n nama lain dia
4)microscopic picture of rcc(sbt satu pun dah ckup)clear cell,sbb itu no 1 dlm buku..ngeh2
doakan semua yg balik awal ni semua selamat bermusafir ya kwn2..
pastu doc faisal pesan,disbbkan patho bley pilih doc,sila plih doc magdy murad..sbb dia akn memberikan full mark kpd anda semua...
bittaufik wannajah...
ade gross picture tak camne nak identify Dr. Magdy Murad tu?
doc yg ajar kita breast...muka bley thn(tataula nk describe camna)..p tggu depan pintu bilik dia..aritu sy p,tggu2 dia x mai lagi..lps abes,dh trun tgga baru dia naik....tyala awkni dr magdy muradka??ngeh2
dr magdy murad tu laki ke pompuan?
alhamdulillah ala kulli hal
1. define liver cirrhosis
2. diagnoses of breast masses
3. what is paget's disease??
3.tumor of the liver
sama macam syahidah^_^
A) vegetation.
2-acute infective endocarditis
3-subacute infective endicarditis.
site, small or large, contain bacteria or not.
detachable or not. caused by siapa.
B) lobar pneumonia.
anisah shamilah ms
A) vegetation.
2-acute infective endocarditis
3-subacute infective endicarditis.
-different between 3 type of vegetation:
=> site
=> complication
=> contain bacteria or not, why?
=> firm or friable
B) Desentery
-Disease causes dysentery
-Complication of amoebic dysentery
1)what is cirrhosis?
Progressive irreversible diffuse liver disease characterized by...
2)What are the gross picture of liver cirrhosis?
Colour:yellow(liver steatosis)green(biliary)dark brown(hemochromatosis)
3)What are the complication of liver cirrhosis?
Failure of detoxification...,Abnormal catabolism of hormone,portal hypertension...
4)What are the effects of portal hypertension?
Ascites,congestive splenomegaly,open porto systemic anastomosis,caput medusae..
5)What is the meaning if caput medusae literally?
????head of medusae..
6)What present on head of medusae??
???snake...x tau..
7)Have u seen the film?
no..u should having some enjoyment....bla..
8)What is goitre?
non inflammatory,non neoplastic thyroid enlargement.
9)What is sequestrum?
Dead piece of bone...
10)What disease having sequestrum?
That's all..The end of 3rd year..Banyak2x tawakal sekarang..Allah tahu yang terbaik buat kiter...Semoga Allah berkati ilmu yang dipelajari..aminn..
1-apa topik yang paling suka
definisi n penyebab
definisi n penyebab.
1)Def granuloma & types
2)Basic reaction of tuberculoma,
other granuloma u have in the practical
3)Explain epithelioid cell
4)Why there is caseation??
development of hypersensitivity
5)Define liver cirrhosis
6)Complication of liver cirrhosis
7)Which complications are FATAL..
a)esophageal varices:lower end of the esophagus is intrathoracic,IT IS -VE PRESSURE
so blood will be sucked out.Hematemesis occurs untill the last drop of blood.very2x FATAL.
(Thanks Dr MF for the information:very useful for our carrier)always ask WHY n there must be explaination for every WHY exp. for undergraduate student like u. Your decision is life of another.(never forget)
b)hepatocellular carcinoma
1- what u know bout peptic ulcer?
-cause by helicobacter pylori
2- at what side it affect the stomach?
lesser curvature
3- what is the complication?
perforation lead to peritonitis, gastric carcinoma
4- is it rare or not (proceed to gastric carcinoma?
RARE (yg ni aku x sure jwpn dia tp doc mcm angguk2, betul la kot rare)
-what other place in git that affected by peptic ulcer?
-which part?
1st part of duodenum
bcoz this part is like stomach, high acidity
-why other part of duodenum is alkaline?
pancreatic secretion, bile
5- what u know bout aneurysm?
localized dilatation... (definition)
6- what is the cause of aneurysm?
congenital absence of media, degenerative disease as artherisclerosis, syphilis.. ( doc ni x suka bila aku sebut hypertension, tp dlm buku ada je tulis hypertension.. ntahla)
7- complication?
8- what u know about PAN?
i dont know ( benda alah ni kategori b dlm cvs, n kategori b dlm cvs cancel masa written ari tuh T_T)
9- what is pneumonia?
patchy or diffuse inflammation of alveoli which lead to consolidation
10- type?
lobar pneumonia, lobular pneumonia, interstitial pneumonia.
p/s: doctor ni suka tya why. benda xde dlm buku pun dia tye gak.T_T. klu blur sgt pk logik je la. sbb klu slh @ kurang tepat doc akan betulkan...
-doa byk2 dpt doc yg pemurah n baik, i-Allah ok-
my questions are...
1)cause of hepatitis
2)mode of transmission of hepatitis c
3)complications of hepatitis
4)type of gall stones
5)complications of gall stones
6)what happens if the stone get impacted at the ampulla of vater
7)type of renal stones
8)cause of renal stones
9)stage of pneumonia
10)complications of pneumonia
that's all...
aku kena psl cervical cncer,.
its causes,
benign nama pe--> pappilloma,
which type??---> sq.cell papilloma...
its causes-->bla bla bla bronchogenic CA,..
gv me type of bronchogenic ca--> central periph...
are u malaysian?-->yeah,..
1.types of inflammation
2.examples pseudomembrane inflammation
3.enumerate all tumour of liver
-metastasis from???- git
4.enumerate tumour of bone
5.locally malignant tumour
yeay exam da abiss!!!
what is hematuria?
what causes hematuria?
other name for renal cell carcinoma?
types of renal stones?
salam semua
pathology...doc tanye psl
1- rheumatic fever
2- subacute bacterial endocarditis
sikit je..doc garang..hehe
haza min fadhli rabbi............+_+
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