Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah kita sudah selesai peperiksaan Pharmacology. Di sini kita memohon kesudian sahabat-sahabat untuk kumpul soalan memandangkan sahabat-sahabat kita yang G2G masih belum melalui peperiksaan oral Pharmacology.
Secara asas, dan random observation saya secara peribadi, hanya pola ini yang saya nampak
Seorang profesor akan tanya buku 1
Seorang lagi akan tanya buku 2
Masuk secara berdua/bertiga dan ada juga berempat.
Sediakan chemistry untuk saling membantu ya!
Jom nyatakan soalan kita!
Jeli Putih Dari Kepala
2 years ago
1- sila bawa kernih..terlupa nk bawa td,n kena sound ngan cikgu awl2..1st impression yg sgguh x chantek.
2- ckap kuat dan jelas..kena marah psl ni jugak td.
3-pastikan tahu jawapan utk soalan written aritu..(kena tegur jugak psl ni)
byk kena digoxin (mechanism n SE), salicylates (SE), penicillin (SE), glucocorticoids (uses + SE) ,CCB (uses),peptic ulcer skit.
anisah shamilah mohd salleh
Err.. buat yang sendiri punya dulu..
1st Doc
Penicillin Hypersensitivity Management- remove the drug, aminophylline [antihistaminic accepted as well terima gak, n highly preferred glucorticoids], replace the drug with erythromycin n vancomycin
Heparin n warfarin- antidote, mechanisme to control dose
morphine opioid receptors, adverse effect-antidote, mechanisme of naloxone as an antidote [competitively block]
glucorticoids-how to control - monitor BP, blood glucose, watch the diet, check for weight gain etc2
2nd doctor
neuromuscular relaxants
atropine [therapeutic uses and adverse effects]
central antitussives
antianginal drugs,b blocker,cth organic nitrates,tolerence,antihypertensive drugs,ACEI.knp tak boleh bagi ACEI kat patient yang ada bronchial soalan saya n ayu.
p/s: hanya menyampaikan pesanan dari ayu,ayu pesan jangan tutup AN walaupun ayu dah tak jadi moderator.dia sangat sayangkan AN,wpun kadang2 ada bnde2 yang kontroversi.
all the best untuk semua untuk oral yang masih berbaki.
1st doc:
treatment of status astmaticus (bronchial asthma)
Why aminophilline must be given IV slowly.. bcoz it will cause cardiac arrytmia
adverse effect of corticosteroid
how to treat osteoporosis
quinolones (bg contoh dan therapeutic uses)
signs of digitalis toxicity
how to treat toxicity of digitalis
2nd doc:
treatment of peptic ulcer( ingat lah 4 weeks utk duodenal ulcer 8 weeks for gastric.. y? bcoz gastric so resistant)
adverse effect of cimetidine
one more thing.. tertinggal how to treat hypertension.. mechanism of action of ACEI.. cth2 nya seklai..
all da best tuk sahabat2 G2G,,,
alhamdulillah ala kulli hal
1. give an account on bronchial asthma (bgtau semua drugs yg t'libat beserta cth, mechanism of actions)
2. anti anginal drugs
nitrates -why must give max 3 doses?
--> due to Sulfhydryl group
3. give an account on potassium sparing
kalo x silap sorg doktor pegang satu buku
gud luck kwn2
orait act nih macam bertindih dengan peranan e-learning.. tapi kita buat sume sini raw material, post sini dulu then, nanti sng nak kmpl, compile cantek2 bru msk e-learning.. woho smat2..
1st doc,..write ur name,.n then she write 20 marks...wee ^^.. then she asked me to tell anything u wanna tell about phrmacology,, i decided to tell about advrse effect of glucocorticoid,..:)
2nd doc, uses n side effects of a-blocker,. i think, i messed up this one:(
gud luck!!,.
1. Bioavailability
- definition
- first pass effect
2. Different between first order kinetic & zero order kinetic.
3. Idiosyncracy: Succinylcholine apnea.
- due to genetic deficiency of pseudocholine esterase enzyme.
- ttt: fresh blood transfusion.
4. Therapeutic uses of atropine
5. Therapeutic uses of adrenaline (that still be used nowadays)
• Anaphylatic shock. (life saving)
-Drug of choice: rapid onset, physiological antagonist to histamine
-cannot use anti-histaminic in anaphylactic shock because we don’t know the amount of histamine that have been released, so cannot measure the amount of anti histaminic that should be given.
• Prolongation of actions of local anasthetics
6. Bronchodilator drugs (classification with examples)
* drug contraindicated in bronchial asthma
- parasympathomimetic
- B-blocker
- Histamic releaser (morphine, succinylcholine, trimetaphan)
1. Benzodiazepines
a.Mechanism of action
b.Therapeutic uses
c.Different between anxiolytic and hypnotic
2. Side effect of salicylates
doc 1 (doc ammu said): contraindication of oral contraceptive, antidote for organophosphorus poisoning, use and side effect of metrinidazole..
doc 2: doc ni nyer x igt sgt sbb soklan dia meleret2. tp yg psti dia ada tya psl dopamine antagonist, use of caffeine ( cafergot etc), heart failure drug.. lebih krg camtu la
p/s: aku nyer group, doc 1st 4 org, doc 2nd couple.. siyes psycho giler yg 4 org tuh .. T_T
doc 1:
-uses of neostigmine
-ttt acute attack bronchial asthma
-cortisol side effects
doc 2:
-SE morphine
-antidote for morpine poisoning, MOA naloxone
-MOA aminoglycosides
-uses og metronidazole
-drug used in different types of anemia
erm,ni je yg igt,kalau teringat lagi nnti2 bgtau
all the best semua=)
yg berbaki satu,berbaki dua oral..tetap buat yg trbaik k~~
1) Zero Order VS First Order, T half
2) Dopamine VS Dobutamine
3) Verapamil VS Nifedipine
4) Factors inducing Digitalis toxicity
5) Bronchodilators
6) Antibiotics - mechanisms, side effects
Sila bawak pen, sebab kena tegur dengan doktor, sebab tak bawak pen untuk tandatangan nama :(
dr 1st:
how to use warfarin after heparin in bleeding emergency?
how long the time for the action warfarin?
what is the side effect of heparin?
can aminoglycoside to be taken by orally and why?
what is the most important side effect of chloramphenicol?
what is the side effect of carbamazepine?
why is the causes of hypertension in side effect of corticosteroid?
dr 2nd:
what is the manifestation and ttt of digitalis toxicity?
what is the fx of atropine?
what is the uses of atropine?
atropine is one of antidote is what kind of toxicity?
how can atropine reversal the hypotension of methacoline,bethanicole and acetycholine?
acei is important in one kidney disease.please mention it?
overall just hav to be confident otherwise the doctor gonna ask u alot of question if u not confident.
1st doc-
drugs in bronchial asthma+mechanism
cloramphenicol-action,side effect
morphine toxicity
digitalis toxicity
chloroquine uses+side effect
2nd doc-
aminoglycoside mechanism+side effect
diabetic ketoacidosis-treatment
semua doktor baik2..diorang bagi jer masa utk fikir kalau tak igt..^_^
gud luck!
1st dr...
1)example of idiosyncracy
2)mech of malignant hyperthermia
3)how u treat m. hyperthermia
4)f(x) of adrenaline (at last,tanya pun soalan selain m.hyperthermia)
5)f(x) of atropine
2nd dr...
1)tell me about quinolone
2)antagonist of aldosterone
3)example of mineralocorticoid
4)natural mineralocorticoid in body
5)antibiotic for peptic ulcer
tu jerlah yg ingat-rasanyer tu jer...
all the best utk yg blom xam lagi...
1st doc
2)HME inducers- definition,examples
2nd doc
tell me anything u know..
-amira najihah-
1.uses of adrenaline
2.SE of thiazide
3.ACEI (mechanism of action,contraindication)
4.B blocker
1.ttt of parkinson,SE of l-dopa
2.Bz (mechanism of action,uses)
3.spectrum,uses,utk setiap antibiotic
1st doc
asthma (leukotreins inhibitor, mass cell stabilizer)
morphine poisoning
digitalis toxicity
adverse effect of quinolone
skeletal muscle relaxant.
2nd doc
vancomycin - why red people syndrome? action? give IV or oral?
side effect of aminoglycoside.
1st doctor:
1)morphine-uses,side effects,acute morphine poisoning-what is the treatment,what is better than morphine(meperidine)
2)Enumerate all drugs of peptic ulcer(dari antisecretory smpi lah eradication of H.pylori
3)Compare between sulfonylurea & metformin-actions & SE
4)antidote of heparin & warfarin
2nd doctor:
1)therapeutic index
2)neuromuscular blocker(sume & details psl succinylcholine)
3)ttt of glaucoma
4)angina pectoris-types,causes,ttt for each types..trmasuk siket tjuk fibrinolytic sbb guna utk treat blood clot
6)direct VD
7)what are the drugs used for pulm.edema?...Na nitroprusside,loop diuretics,morphine and why?..etc
*doc suke lompat2 topik-mcm soalan 7.ade lg tp x ingt sangat.maaf.
Rabbuna Yusahhil.Allah ma'akum..
DR1: tell me what you know about atropine.
DR2: tell me what you know about pharma...~
serious..oral exam is all about luck..+ usaha^^
Doa bnyak2 n percaya!! INSYA ALLAH, DIA tolong.
1st session
-enumerate oral hypoglycemic drugs
-describe actions of sulfonylureas
-describe adverse effects of sulfonyureas
-enumerate antisecretory drugs
-uses of morphine
-adverse effects of morphine
-how to treat morphine poisoning
-differentiate between morphine and meperidine
2nd session
-treatment for moderate hypertension
-mechanism of action of thiazide diuretics
-enumerate ACEI, its mechanism of action, uses and contraindication
-actions of digoxin and its adverse effect
-treatment of severe acute attack of bronchial asthma
-action of aminophylline
dr 1 > quinolone
digitalis toxicity
morphine poisoning
dr 2 > oralhypoglycemic drugs n ttt of
hypoglycemic coma
Syukran kawan2...doakn kami yer....
jazakumullah khairan kathira...
moga Allah m'balasnya.....
dan permudahkan antum smua....
saya yg mewakili G2G...
salam alayk,buat sahabat sekalian..
alhamdulillah,kebetulan bawah Che' (pasangan oralku yang setia~)
Dr 1 : tell me about beta blocker-uses & C.I
side effects of hydrochlorothiazide
Dr 2 : tulis nama,"anything u want to tell me from book 2..u r so sweet!"
husnuzzan olwez..iA,baik!selamat ye~^^
1st, mcm munirah jugak, pilih topic seniri and jawab. td antiemetic :)
2nd, uses of physostigmine :)
buat yg terbaik semua!~
1st dr.
1.side effect of adrenaline
2.antidote of paracetamol
3.uses and side effect chloramphenicol
2nd dr.
1.drugs antiangina
-menchasim action,side effect of nitrates..its tolerance n prevention
2.classification neuromuscular blocker
dr 1st-
antidote atropine
side effect of heparin
uses of salicylates
dr 2nd
classification of alpha blocker
function of alpha blocker
all about prazosin
define tolerance
neuromuscular blocker(dantrolene)
-ACEI mode of action and SE
-uses of adrenaline
-Drugs used to treat anaerobic infection
-Uses of metronidazole
(tertinggal kernih nanti kene kawat cam. adeh..T_T)
- all about digitalis(SE,TU,Toxicity)
- Hyoscine(TU then Ques. related to it eg. antiemetic)
- Others antiemetic
- Atropine(CI)
- Angina(Type of angina and how to treat each type of angina)
- Diabetic Ketoacidosis
- Heparin Warfarin (antidote)
- Peptic Ulcer (Anti secretory&Mucosal Protective)
- Aspirin (toxicity & Treatment)
Salam alaik..
For me n my partner..
1st doc..
- receptor of morphine..
- ttt of acute n chronic morphine toxicity..
- ttt for status asthmaticus..
- mast cell stabilizer n leukotrienes antagonist..
- SE of quinolones n chloramphenicol..
- antihypertensive drugs…cite je semua..then doc tnya lanjut sal act of ACEi n uses of loop diuretics..
- mech of act of warfarin n heparin..
2nd doc..
- all about insulin..
- action of morphine..
- mech of action of anticoagulant drugs : heparin n warfarin..
- SE of corticosteroids..
Bilkheir wannajah semua..
Moga dilapangkan dada n dilancarkan lidah..~
Salam alaik..
1st dc
soalan pertama pasal geografi malaysia..
-what is capital city in Malaysia
-which town u come from? jwb eastcoast(klate)
-near by what occean? jwb South China Sea
-then die tanye pasal yellow sea - jwb xwujud..
soalan kedua
what side effect of glucocor, insulin, contraceptive.. (eNDOCRIME)
what antidote of atropine, aspirin
2nd dc
~zero n first order elimination
~succinylcholine (depolarizing) >apnea,uses etc..
smga bermanfaat..
first session
1)what are side effect of aspirin?
Git irritation(peptic ulcer),allergy(bronchial asthma.....
2)What u add to penicillin G if there is production of b lactamase?
sulbactam because it will protect the antibiotic that usually substrates for this enzyme by binding to it.
3)What are the mechanism of heparin?
potentiates anti thrombin 111,lipemic clearing factor and inhibit pletlet aggregation..
session 2
1)What are the treatment of organophosphorus poisoning?
atropine,choline esterase reactivators.stomach wash...
2)What are therapeutic uses of ephedrine?
nasal decongestant,mydriatic eye drop,potentiates neostigmine in treatment of myasthenia gravis...
3)What are mucolytic that u know?
1)side effects of Benzodiazepine
2)side effects of corticosteroids
3)side effects of cephalosporins
4)drugs to treat hyperchlestremia and how cholestyramine acts?
Dr 2nd
1)skeletal muscle relaxants
2)contraindication in atropine
3)antitussive drugs
1st doc
-uses of aspirin..dia tny detail local and systemic uses..
-dose of aspirin (kena ingat tau yg mane gram,yg mana miligram..sbb ms jawab tu sebut nmbor je..huhu)
-mechanism action of theophylline
2nd doc
-fluoxetine(yg ni sy yg mtak doc tnya..)
-what other drug that treat anaerobes(selain metronidazole)=clindamycin
-mechanism action and side effect of erythromycin
-if u want to treat a patient with severe bleeding,which anti coagulant drug that u will start first?=heparin,sbb rapid onset,then bila dah ok skit,continue with heparin for 5 days
stuju dgn komen2 di atas..oral exam kdg2 bgantung kpd nasib,dpt doc yg mcm kena tenang dan jwb dgn confident..
-patient with brochial asthma need analgesic? (paracetamol)and why?
-side effect penicillin
-action of glitazone
-mechanism of action warfarin and its antidote
-why protamine sulphate used as antidote for heparin? (+ve charge)
-skeletal muscle relexants (classification and action)
-antidote tubocucare and succinylcholine
all d best!!
wah, sooo pharma ♥
1st doctor:
-how to treat morphine toxicity (acute and chronic)
-skeletal muscle relaxant (atracurium can be used in patients with renal and hepatic insufficiency)
-how to treat digitalis toxicity
2nd doctor:
-ttt of epilepsy
all the best kawan2 for the next oral session(s)!
1- Tell me about Leukotrienes antagonist and mechanism of action
...Zileuton is 5-lipooxygenase inhibitor -- block leukotrienes synthesisi from arachidonic acid
...Zafirlukast and Montelukast block LTD4 receptors
2- Give all types of anti-depressant
...SSRI,TCA, atypical anti-depressants and MAOI
mention 1 mechanism action one of atypical anti-depresson
...Buprobion -- increase NA release
what happened if patient taking MAOI eats foods like cheese and yogurt?
...Cheese reaction -- this food contain Tyramine
-- severe hypertention
tak ingat soalan yg ditanye..
Terime kasih banyak2 buat kawan2 yang very concern to us. Tak tau macam mana nak balas segala jasa baik kamu.
"Sesiapa yang melepaskan satu kesusahan mukmin, pasti allah melepaskan kesusahannya di akhirat. Sesiapa yang memudahkan urusan orang lain, pasti allah memudahkan urusannya di dunia dan akhirat..." petikan hadith riwayat abu hurairah.
May allah bless us,
-hazim azhar-
small matter la hazim.. g2g dah selalu tolong kawan2 MOU.. esp tyme patho prak hari tu.. mana boleh yg ramai xtolong yg sket :D
[rasa terharu plak dgn AN] ^^
1st dr
-succinyl choline apnea
-atropine and its subtitutes
-why ipratropium is localized in the lung =coz it is quartenery structure regardless atropine tertiary structure(systemic)
2nd dr.
-treatment hypo thyroid
-oral contraceptve
-progesterone role in contraceptive and use
-drugs used in hypercalcemia
Most important thing is give the best appereance in the first 30second infront of the dr(Laws of First Impression)
1st doctor:
Skeletal muscle relaxant. [classification]
bila dah stop kat nama 'dantrolene' tu, doktor tye pasal therapeutic use, mechanisms.
pastu doktor tye pasal malignant hyperthermia tu. apakah ia? manifestation [high fever], macam mana boleh berlaku [ over release of calcium from sarcoplasmic reticulum], disebabkan oleh apa? [dari succinylcholine]
2. organophosphorous compound. [classification, actions, antidote]
2nd doctor:
mcm munirah, aimi athirah jugee ^__^
bittaufiq wannajah kawan2! :D
1st doc~
- what do u know about anti anginal drugs??
- which drugs are used during acute attack?
-AE of organic nitrates?? (most imp0rtant point~ tolerance,lps tue sure la dr tanya pulak, why?? how to avoid it??)
-BB is contraindicated in which type of angina??
-how aspirin act as an antiplatelet aggregation??
2nd doc~
-diff between heparin and warfarin?
dr 1st:
-use & SE of atropine..(dr ni hnya nak jwpnyg paling; klu SE, yg paling penting glucoma&senile hyperplasia..slagi kita x sebut 2 ni, selagi tu dr akan ckp..what else??)
-treatment of bronchial asthma
dr 2nd:
-treatment of peptic ulcer
-cimetidine & ranitidine, which one is better n why?
-treatment of hyprthyroidism-which one is use in acute thyroid crisis?? ~answer: IODIDE
-antiepileptic drug
Doktor pertama :
antidote untuk heparin
doktor kedua:
sebutkan apa2 skeletal muscle relaxants yang kamu tahu
side effects one of them
treatment of apnea
ttt of malignant hyperthermia
antidote for physostigmine
contra atropine
1st doctor
-acute poisoning of morphine(ada jugak dr tanya poisoning morphine tu acute ke chronic)
-quinolone(se n uses)
-gray baby sndrom camne mechansm leh terjadi
-mast cell stabilizer
-ttt for status asthmaticus
-loop diuretic
2nd doctor
-morphine lagi(uses,n boleh tak guna dalam head injury n y?)
-anti platelet n uses
1st doc
anti hypertensive drug(name)
Ca channel blocker(detail)
contraindication with??
2nd doc
xsempat ckp pape n the doc said
doc: ok..u're finish..
me: haa...?? hehe tengkiu doc..i love you (haha xcaye bole ckp camtu kat doc)
1st doc:
chronic poisoning of morphine
side effects of chloramphenicol
skeletal muscle relaxant
aminophylline --DOSE
leukotriene antagonist
2nd doc:
list of sedative hypnotic
which one is better,benzodiazepine or barbiturate? why?
treatment of peptic ulcer with H.pylori infection
first doc,kna psal anti histaminic uses n side effect
2nd doc, dia ckp sy dh janji ngan awk nk bg full mark ms dia ajar dlu..kesimpulannya,senyum sokmo deh..=P
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