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semoga ALLAH memberkati usaha kalian...
Dgn segala hormatnye ni soalan yg sy dapat...
1) type of sensitivity
2)food poisoning
3) salmonella n widal test & typhoid fewer.
Jeli Putih Dari Kepala
2 years ago
alhamdulillah...segala puji bagi Allah..
nak kongsi dgn sahabat semua.
antara soalan-soalan yg ditnykan:
1. diagnosis of cholera.
2. types of food poisoning.
3. incubation period of staph aureus : it is long or short. why?
answer: short. due to preformed toxin in food.
4. which bacteria cause food poisoning and has nervous manifestation?
answer: cl.botulinum and cl.tetani to treat tetanus?
1-Clostridium family...
2-C. difficile
-disease it causes.
-predisposing factor.
3-C. tetanus.
-how to get the infection,
-virulence factor, and pathogenesis,
-what causes death.
-vaccine, and what type of vaccine (toxoid)
-different toxin and toxoid.
4-enumerate oncogenic virus.
..hep B virus cause tumor apa.
tumor marker for hepatocellular carcinoma.
5-apa kemungkinan2 lepas ambil antibiotic.
anisah shamilah ms
1. organisms cause meningitis.
2. how to diagnose bacterial meningitis?
if u see netrophils, what it is? (bacteria
3. can mycobacterium tuberculosis lead to
4. stain for TB?
1)what you know about sterilization?
2)Diagnosis of HBV
3)Type 2 hypersensitivity
1. Clostridium family & diseases caused by each of them
2 How C. difficile cause pseudomembranous colitis
3. How to diagnose diptheria
4. Vaccine for poliomyelitis
5. The child get OPV. After 2-3 days the child was confirmed to get poliomyelitis, WHY???
--> maybe the child was immunosuppressed (contraindicated in OPV)
--> mutation. the bacteria strains are strong
i got this question..
1)what is carrier?
carrier is an apparently healthy individual harbouring a pathogenic organism without having clinical manifestation.and can transmit this organism to others.
2)What disease carrier play important role?Enteric fever,Staph aureus....
3)Where the organism present inside the carrier in Staph aureus?
In nose and skin.
4)How to diagnose Salmonella typhi?
5)What is serological test for typhoid fever?
Widal test.
6)How to prepare Hepatitis B,how many doses,and when?
3 doses 0,1,6 months.
7)Who should receive passive immunization?
Neonates born to HBsAg positive mothers.
8)Who have an increased risk of HBV?
sexual partner.infants of infected mothers but doctor said you are the most having risk to get hep B because u will be a health care workers.huh..
"remember u r not from agricultural faculty"
qoute from dr.feisal.
wawa.. sedih2 soalan senang tapi huru hara td..
lyme disease :spiraochaetes family, weil's disease
siapa? clostridium tetany
virulence factor tetanaspasmin at peripheral nerve terminals
manifestation generalized muscluar spasms, muscle paralysis, type -> flaccid paralysis
particularly in soil [widespreaded]
pathogenesis deep wound infection, esp in soldier [nih pun kena sebut tadi :((]
kalau budak, budak mcm mana yang kena -> unimmunized doktor xmo, nak kena kata baby gak
predisposing to neonatal tetanus mom lacks of immunity, LACK OF ASEPTIC HYGIENIC MEASUREMENT DURING LABOR
ttt for baby, anti toxin!! wawa.. jwb metronidazole doktor xbagi respon, attempt2 sampai la reach anti toxin
1.give me oncogenic virus (ana ckp adenovirus,pastu de tny pe lg, jwb hepatitis b & c)
2.what kind of tumour hepatitis b caused?
3.what is the tumour marker of hepatoma?
4.what is the antigen of hepatitis b virus?
5.where does the HBc/s/e located?
6.can it be detected by blood?
7.if i give u the result of this lab diagnose of HBV, what is the interpretation?
8.what clostridium species you know and what is the disease caused specific by them? did clostridium difficile affect humans,and how do you treat its disease?
10.what is the virulence factor of clostridium botulinum and how does it works?
thats all...
sorry mcm panjang sgt.i just list je pe yg doctor tu tny kat saya.mane yg igt la.hrp bermanfaat.bittaufiq wannajah.....
1)List food poisoning bacteria
Staph aureus
Salmonella enteritidis, typhimurium
clostridium perfringens
Clostridium botulinum
Bacillus cereus
Vibrio parahemolyticus
The common symptoms are diarrhoea, abdominal cramp.Which one the symptoms is different??
Clostridium botulinum.
Symptoms: diplopia, blurred vision...
Which one doesn't release toxin? S.enteritidis,S.typhimurium
Invade and replicate in the epithelial cell of intestines.
Vaccines?? Nature??
Sabin vaccine :living attenuated virus
Salk vaccine :Formalin inactivated(killed)whole poliovirus
case: a child has got Sabin vaccine.However, then he reinfects with poliomyelitis. WHY??
2)Mutation of the virus to the wild type.(change to VIRULENCE)
Laboratory diagnosis
Specimens:swabs taken from under the pseudomembrane
Direct detection: club-shaped Gram-positive bacilli
Cultivation: on tellurite agar, blood agar
what is the causes of neonatal meningitis?
strep agalactiae,E coli K1 antigen,listeria monocytogene..
other disease caused by listeria monocytogene?
food poisoning
list other causes of food poisoning+type of food?
staph aureus,bacillus cereus,clos perfringens,clos botulinum,salmonella(typhimurium and enteritis)...
which virus can cause meningitis?
poliovirus,coxsackie A B....
organism causing enteric fever? salmonella typhi
other disease caused by salmonella? food poisoning (salmonella typhimurium,salmonella enteritidis)
how to diagnose enteric fever?
-mode of transmission
how to diagnose hepatitis B and C?
specific prophylaxis for hepatitis B
risk factors for hepatitis B
1. vaccine for:
- TB
- poliovirus
2. food poisoning
- causative organism
- anything you know about it
3. ok, you can go.
1)you know diphteria? what is the cause and pathogenesis
2)german measle
4)autoclave (sterilization)
-what is nosocomial infection
-the most usual nosocomial infection-- staph aureus
-which type- MRSA
-what is MRSA n the mechanism --change penicillin binding protein
-hep B vaccination -recombinant, serum derived, immunoglobulin
These are my Qs:
1)Diagnosis for pulmonary TB
2)Tuberculin skin test and which one gives false positive result
4)Sabin and Salk vaccines
5)Vaccine for Diphtheria
1. Examples of chemical disinfectant
- chlorine, isopropyl alcohol, hydrogen peroxide
2. What is the meaning of pasteurization and the example?
-Pasteurization is one of the main methods of disinfection by heating then rapidly cooling to destroy the pathogenic organism.
-Example: pasteurization of milk by heating at either 63˚C for 30min or at 72˚C for 20 sec followed by rapid cooling
3. What is tumour marker, its function and examples?
- antigen that released only from tumour tissue
- specific for a given tumour type
- detectable early upon tumor formation
- concentration in blood is proportional to the tumour mass
- present in all patient with the tumour
Its function:
- diagnosis and follow up
- monitoring for the tumour recurrence after therapy
- alpha-fetoprotein in hepatoma
- prostate-specific antigen in prostatic cancer
- CA 125 in ovarian cancer
- Bence-Jones in myeloma
4. Plague: Type and diagnosis.
- Type: bubonic plague, septicaemic plague, pneumonic plague.
5. Diagnosis of enteric fever
6. What is congenital rubella syndrome, its complication and how to diagnose?
1-What bacteria that cause food poisoning?
2-If u get patient with 2 days suffering from enteric fever, what is the sample of laboratory diangnosis?
3-Why don't we use stool?
4-Tell me about blood culture technique
5-Why we take large volume of blood?
6-Tell me about all routes of hepatitis
7-What about hepatitis markers in person which had postvaccination?
1: tell me about the best place in malaysia. i want nature. how did u go there?
-cameron highlands. tp x prnh pegi..T_T-
2: antibiotic that inhibit cell wall?
- penicillin, cephalosporin, vancomycin
3. what is the side effect of taking a/biotic?
-superinfection, emergence of resistant strain, allergy
4. what is the meaning of superinfection?
outgrowth of resistant strain due to eradication of sensitive one
5. give me example of superinfection?
c. difficile
6.what is the disease cause by it?
pesudomembranous colitis?
7. how to treat?
stop the drug, give vancomycin n metronidazole..
8. give another example of super infection?
9. never mind, how to diagnose hepatitis c?
elisa, pcr..
10. why we use pcr?
- x igt jwb apa, tp psl antigen2 cam tu la-
11. 1 more? i want to give u full mark
- blur-
12. how we know the patient is respon to treatment?
- antibody titre..
13. other is pcr. ok. never mind
Assalamualaikum wbt..
1) Bacterial meningitis
-Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus influenzae type b, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Streptococcus agalactiae, Eschererichia coli, ... (page 70, Microbiology book vol III)
2) Causative organisms for urinary tract infections
-E. coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Candida albicans, Adenoviruses, ... (page 81, Microbiology book vol III)
3) How to diagnose pulmonary tuberculosis?
-(pages 43 and 44, Microbiology book vol II)
a) Type of hepatitis
-Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E and G
b) Mode of transmission each hepatitis
-Hepatitis A and E by faeco-oral route
-Hepatitis B, C, D and G through blood
c) Hepatitis C has vaccine or not?
d) Which type of hepatitis does have vaccine?
-Hepatitis A and B
5) Differences between sabin vaccine and salk vaccine
-(page 25, Microbiology book vol III)
dapat soalan berangkai..doktor tanya ape yang dijawab..
1-organism of urinary tract infection
enteroccoccus feacalis
2-diseases of e.coli
neonatal meningitis
3-how e.coli can cause diarrheoea
4-other organism causing same action
vibrio cholera
5-diagnosis of vibrio cholera
endemic area during spread(explain)
non endemic area(explain)
6-serotype of vibrio
o1 n o139
7-diagnosis bacteria endocarditis
blood culture technique
8-what other disease use blood culture technique
9-the serology test of brucella
stat test
10-how it is done?
11-false result of stat
comb test
12-vaccine of poliomylitis
salk and sabin
13-mmr vaccine
14-vaccine of hepatitis
recombinant vaccine from yeast.........
im with hd of microb:
how to diagnose cholera in non endemic area?
what is string test?
how to diagnose candidiasis?
how to treat candidiasis?
what kind of drug that we used that can cause candidiasis?
what organism that cause uti?
how to diagnose uti?
1-watery diarrhea-doktor tu tanya n tunggu sampai saya jawab VIBRIO CHOLERA
2-diagnosis v.cholera n ttt.
3-e.coli-diarrhea yang paling teruk n bahaya oleh jens e.coli yang mana n y?
4-c.diphtheria-ttt. n sape lagi yang akan guna antitoxin
5-jenis herpes virus
6-disease oleh EBV n diagnosis n bila saya sebut pasal detection of heterophil bodies dktor tanya plak sal nama test yang digunakan
7-cl.botulinum-jenis food yang effect
hmm..setakat tu je ingat...
pendapat peribadi...oral microb agak psycho sebab dapat doktor yang tunggu point yang dia nak..selagi tak sampai point yang dia nak..dia akan tunggu n bagi clue..
my oral questions:
1)organisms causing food poisoning
2)other cause of neonatal meningitis other than listeria
3)cause of meningitis
ok,u can go :)
1.what bacteria cause food poisoning
2.diseases caused by c.perferingens
3.side effects of antibiotics
4.mechansim action of antibiotics
5.diagnosis of hepatitis c
1.choose one bacteria cause food poisoning n give details
2.diagnose cholera
3.immunization of 1st month baby n dose
4.disease cause by stap.aureus
5.bacteria cause urogenital infection
6.bacteria cause syphilis
-organism cause urinary tract infection
-sterile pyuria & its causes
-diseases transmitted by blood
-modes of infection in all hepatitis virus
-what is BCG vaccine
-tuberculin skin test & interpretation
1.can u tell me the organism that can b transmitted through blood?
2.detail of hep B vaccine & how to differentiate between someone who has taken hep B vaccine & the other one who is +ve hep B??? ~tell bout the antigen or antibody that are present in the person who is hep B +ve~
3.if someone has antiHBs in his blood, what does it means? u know bout rheumatic fever? how can it happens?
5.what is ASOT? to treat rheumatic fever? i answered antibiotic, and the doc asked me : for how long & WHAT ELSE?? pandai2la pikir..
7.what else post streptococcal sequale that u know and what is the cause?
food poisoning(sebut semua rupa2nya terttinggal salmonella)Xp pastu kna ttg meningitis causes..=)
salam ,..
ak kena HEP B n brucella,..
detail gk r,.
salam semua
sorry lambat send
okey saya dpt byk3 sgt tyme microb oral ari tu
1- doc bagi a case
lelaki-jalan tak pakai selipar-terpijak kayu
= tetanus
pastu de tanye byk2 pasal tetanus
lab diagnosis
2- syphilis
lab diagnosis-WHY u use that method(ouhh thank you doctor!)
3- brucella
lab diagnosis
how to use STAT
usually,what is the result and why
why other method tak bagus
mode of transmission
4- legionella
5- hepatitis
rasa mcm ada lagi 2...tapi sorry sgt mmg betul2 tak igt...
jgn lupa doa supaya semua org najah..yakin yakin yakin yakin
"apabila engkau telah membulatkan tekad,maka bertawakkallah pd Allah.Sungguh,Allah menyukai orang2 yang bertawakal"- al imran 159
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