Study Group Success Factors
- Members of the study group must attend all class and section meetings.
- Choose a regular and recurring meeting time to limit confusion and disappointment.
- Have clearly stated goals for each study session and be sure to allot enough time for each level of the learning process.
- If no one wants to lead the group, rotate the leadership and keep the responsibilities balanced.
- Stay focused and on task. Everyone’s time is precious. Nothing is worse than allotting study time and then not getting any studying done.
- Stay in close communication with each other if something comes up.
- Always remind each other of expectations and assignments so there are no disappointments or setbacks.
- Be accountable to one another at all times. Encourage each other and remind everyone how important it is to be prepared for each study session.
- Establish ground rules for staying focused and getting the work done at the very beginning of your study group formation.
- Do not continue to include people who do not meet the expectations of the group.
- Make sure everyone understands the material before moving on.
- Be sure to consult with your professor or your TA if there are questions that come up during a study session. Report back to the group so everyone is clear about the correct answers.
- It can also be very effective to have more than one study group get together to help each other study before a mid-term or a final exam.
Possible Pitfalls of a Study Group
A study group can be a very positive learning experience. However, there are pitfalls to be avoided. Here are some cautions:
- Do not let the study group get distracted from its agenda and goals.
- Do not let the study group become a social group. You can always socialize at other times.
- Do not allow group members to attend unprepared. To stay in the group, members should be required to do their fair share.
- Do not the let the session become a negative forum for complaining about teachers and courses.
- Do not allow one or two group members to dominate the group. It is important that all members have an equal opportunity to participate.
helpful websites on how to form an effective study group- copy n paste the link to read more
Btw dengar2 gosip 8 mac ada exam patho (cmpuran teori n prektikel) dan 17 mac exam prektikel
cuba kompemkan ngan lecturer masing :D
Erm lepas tu kan, nak share artikel ini. pasal Time Management
dan artikel how to deal with procrastination
erm kenapa blog ni makin hambar?cm dah takde sapa melawat. kalau orang datang sini pun sebab nak tengok blog sapa yang dah update.haha. Ke korang suka komen kalau ada entri panas2 cm ikhtilat, korek hidung, ketiak je?
Sunyi. huhu
tukar template balik la ayu...
wane lain pulak ke...baru x hambar..
hua3..ayu pyala pulun..sanggup memaksa kami mai cek artikel nih kat ahsan nas...he3....ayu,kesimpulannya???
kinah,kawan ayu=)
mayb sbb kurang promote kot..
dlu paan slalu antar masssss mesej ym bile AN update..
lau buat entri panas moderator gak kene serang...
ayu,tukar warna jadik terang2 sket ayu..kaler pink terang..pastu boh gosip hangat ttg batch=)mesti ranking naik balik...=P
salam alayk..
aper kata kita tetapkan setiap minggu, ader taklifan utk setiap rumah hantar artikel.. cthnya minggu nih, rumah org ni, minggu depan rumah org lain plak.. tema artikel.. mengikut suasana semasa cth: kalo maulid nabi, ader kaitan ngan Nabi..
Ke cam ner? ada cdgn..
org tak suka baca artikel bahasa inggeris.
buktinya semua 5 komen atas ni cerita pasal 3 baris akhir yg berbahasa melayu...
xjgk kot...
myb sbb xtau nk komen celah mane..
btol tu,x byk komen x semestinya org x suke.bole promote blog dkt wbsite2 trtntu,bole tnye org2 yg da lame dlm dunia blog.pastu,bole promote kat kwn2 yg blaja kt tmpt laen.
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