Saturday, June 25, 2011

Posted by c's On Saturday, June 25, 2011 83 comments

ENT Oral Questions

Post your ENT oral questions here. If you do not have an account in Google, Blogger, LiveJournal, Wordpress etc., choose anonymous or Name/URL.

Arrange your questions according to these headings.

We hope your post should look like this:

- What is tinnitus?
- What are types of tinnitus?

- What is epistaxis?
- How do you manage epistaxis in a 14-year-old boy?

- Enumerate causes of obstructive sleep apnea

- Management of corrosive oesophagitis

- What is stridor?
- Why stridor is more common in children?
- What is the most common cause of stridor in children?

- Types of LASER in ENT

Thank you

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Posted by c's On Sunday, June 12, 2011 68 comments

Community Medicine Oral Questions

Arrange your questions according to these headings.

  1. Health System
  2. Health Care Management
  3. Communication
  4. Demography
  5. Measurement of Health
  6. Reproductive Health
  7. Occupational Health
  8. Environmental Health
  9. Medical statistics
  10. Nutritions
  11. Non-communicable diseases
  12. General epidemiology of communicable diseases
  13. Droplet infections
  14. Food-borne infections
  15. Arthropod-borne infections
  16. Contact infections

We hope your post should look like this:

[Measurement of Health]
- Enumerate vital statistics

[Food-borne infections]
- Enumerate diarrheal diseases

Thank you.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Posted by mohd hazwan bin mohd salleh On Tuesday, June 07, 2011 0 comments

Ringkasan untuk final exam

Assalamu’alaikum wrb

Alhamdulillah, selesai sudah tahun pengajian bagi sesi 10/11
Dan sekarang tiba masanya utk kita menguji setakat mana ilmu yg ditimba selama setahun ini

Sekadar post ringkas sempena final exam
Ana mewakili barisan kepimpinan Majlis Tertinggi Batch Gen 7 sesi 10/11
Mengucapkan selamat bermujahadah dlm study,
Mohon jutaan kemaafan andai ada salah dan silap, terkasar bahasa dsb
Dan doakan kejayaan untuk kita bersama

‘Sifar Dur Tani’

Bittaufiq wal imtiaz fil imtihan

Ariff Aizzat Abdul Razak
Ketua Batch Gen 7
Sesi 2010/11

Ringkasan berkenaan dengan final exam

p/s- detail ttg oral dan practical exam ie. masa dan tempat dsb akan dinyatakan pada kertas soalan written exam

p/s/2- sila bawa kelengkapan yang selengkapnya utk exam eg- ID card, kalkulator (Commed), labcoat (exam practical jika diminta) dsb

p/s/3- sebelum exam, baca surah Al-Mulk dan amalkan ayat 260 surah Al-Baqarah, moga dipermudahkan ketika menjawab exam..


Tarikh : (a)Written exam : 12/06/2011
10 pagi-1 tengah hari
Examination hall
(b) Oral Exam : 13/06/2011

Final Exam
150 marks -written exam
-30 marks = 1 case scenario (3 small Q eg a,b,c =10 marks each)
-30 marks = MCQ,
-90 marks = 5 marks x 18 short essays

30 marks - oral


Tarikh: (a)Written exam :21/06/2011
10 pagi-12 tengah hari
Examination hall
(b) Oral exam : 26/06/2011

Written exam : 80 marks
Slides/station/OSPE : 40 marks
Oral : 20 marks
Research/ assignment : 5 marks

Bentuk final exam

6 short questions, 5 marks each = 30 marks
2 problem solving, 10 marks each = 20 marks
30 MCQ's, 1 mark each = 30 marks

Total for written exam = 80 marks.

Website ENT department :

Oral exam and OSPE on the same day
OSPE first, then oral exam


Tarikh : (a) Written exam : 02/07/2011
10 pagi-1 tengah hari
Examination hall
(b) Oral exam : 05/07/2011

Final exam (130 markah )
Oral exam : 30 markah(15 markah utk forensic,15 utk toxicology)
Written exam : 100 markah(60 markah utk forensic,40 markah utk toxicology)

Bentuk soalan :
(a) case scenario
(b) short essay Q
(c) true/false-give explaination
(d) MCQ/ matching


Tarikh : (a) Written exam : 14/07/2011
10 pagi-12 tengah hari
Examination Hall
(b) Oral exam : 17/07/2011

Final exam
(a) written exam - 125 marks
(b) oral exam - 50 marks
(c) practical exam (slides) - 25 marks

Written exam
(a)short essay question - 5 soalan - 50 markah
(b)problem solving - 2 soalan - 25 markah
(c) MCQ - 50 soalan - 50 soalan

Practical exam
(a) 5 slides
(b) soalan yang ditanya adalah : diagnosis n dua soalan ringkas
(MCQ ataupun soalan sentence macam biasa)

*bentuk soalan slides lebih kurang sama dengan soalan end round