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Oral Question Forensic and Toxicology 2010/2011 Malaysian Students. (MoU and G2G)
This form is having to main pages with subtopics according to department text book. Thank you.
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1) Stages of burn
2) Definition of infanticide
3) How to know that the infant has live for 2 weeks?
1) Drugs affecting pupil
2) Manifestations of chronic lead poisoning
3) Treatment of salicyclates
4) What do you give when doing forced alkaline diuresis (salicyclate)
-distance of firearm
-if u found internal wad in the body,how far the distance is?
-postmorterm drowning
-definition of compression
-the manifestations
-the causes of of it
-the antidote of cyanide
-4 aminopyrazole antidote for what?
-aminopyridine for what?
-drugs causes dilatation pupil
-what are the symptomatic drugs?
what do u know about cadmium and its antidote?
-type of wound
-type of violent asphyxia
-different between strangulation and hanging
-tell me about activated charcoal
-when we do xray?
-tell me about antidote for digitalis
#Head Injury
-Fracture of the base of the skull -Difference between thermal and traumatic skull fracture
#Sexual Offences
Rape: conditions of consent
Type of hymen
MLI of imperforated hymen and how to treat it?
MLI of elastic hymen
#General toxicology
What kind of emesis do you know?syrup ipecac
In your opinion is it good or not?
What is the mechanism of action of emesis?= central and peripheral action
If emesis not occur after first dose, a second dose may be given or not? = yes.
Can we give the third dose again?= no. why? = complicated with arrythmmia.
The dose= adult 30ml, children= 15ml, under 1 year =10ml, under 6 month= is contraindicated (0ml)
#Drug dependence
Definitions of dependence
characters of dependence
What is meant by tolerence
what is withdrawal symptoms
opium withdrawal manifestations
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